Regians Pursue Concentrated Studies in J-Term Courses

Students in Dr. Marta Baldassarri's Humanities as a Foundation for Engineering Principles class learned how to solve structural analysis problems, calculating reaction forces in a bridge model.

Regis students are officially on summer break, but some have returned to 84th Street this month to participate in J-Term courses. Typically held on college campuses between semesters, J-Term allows Regians to delve into interdisciplinary topics outside the framework of the academic year.

J-Term at Regis takes place each June and offers intensive-study opportunities in subjects chosen by teachers. It also allows faculty members to explore alternative teaching techniques, which could later be integrated in the standard Regis curriculum to improve the student learning experience.

This year, two courses were offered during J-Term. Persuasive Writing and Development with English teacher Mr. Malik Henry focused on honing the skills students need to write opinion pieces. Through analyzing a range of articles and writing styles, students developed their own voices as writers, learning to craft compelling arguments. The second course, Humanities as a Foundation for Engineering Principles, centered history, art, and theology as foundations for broader thought around various branches of engineering. Taught by Dr. Marta Baldassarri of the math department, the class featured hands-on simulation work and allowed students to learn from a number of engineering professionals.

“It is a great privilege to work with a group of Regians beyond the structure of the academic year to further enrich the skill of persuasive writing and speaking," said Mr. Henry. “I remain so impressed by the appetite for knowledge that students have arrived with every day to the J-Term class."

Posted: 6/21/23
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