“The Great Ignatian Challenge" Returns to Regis

This year, Regis High School is proud to announce its participation in the 2022 Great Ignatian Challenge. Founded by Jim Rowen P'12, the Great Ignatian Challenge raises students’ awareness of the threat of hunger and inspires them to take action by working to fill their local food banks, pantries, and community centers through an annual Thanksgiving holiday food drive competition.

Eighteen Jesuit high schools from nine states – New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Washington, and the District of Columbia – will compete for tiered awards based on criteria identified by Mr. Rowen, including the most amount of food collected per student. Last year, Regis won the "Biggest Year-Over-Year Increase" award, and we hope to contend for a spot on the podium this time around. This friendly but spirited competition will run through November 23. Last year, the schools participating in The Great Ignatian Challenge collected and distributed over 334,400 pounds of food. Over the past six years, The Great Ignatian Challenge has amassed over 937,000 pounds of food!

Non-perishable foods will be collected at Grub Days in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, and Regis has also set up a YouGiveGoods page where supporters can donate individual food items or curated meal boxes to families in need. All donations will be distributed to New York Common Pantry, which has worked throughout the five boroughs to reduce hunger and promote dignity, health, and self-sufficiency in all New Yorkers. 

Mr. Rowen P'12 will once again personally support the Challenge, this year pledging over half a million dollars to support the schools’ efforts. This year, monies will go towards supporting financial assistance programs and endowments at the participating schools. Inspired by the commitment to social justice and service to the community that lies at the heart of Jesuit education, Mr. Rowen has generously donated more than $1,830,000 towards the Great Ignatian Challenge competitions over the last six years. His desire is to open this competition up to even more schools next year. 

A key component of a Jesuit is learning to be a "man or woman for others" as St. Ignatius taught. "Love consists of sharing what one has and what one is with those one loves. Love ought to show itself in deeds more than in words." Through service to the community, the students prepare for the day when they will participate in their world as competent, concerned, and responsible members who are committed to social justice.

Regis is proud to stand alongside these 17 schools:

Posted: 11/1/22
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