Regis Returns to Bear Mountain

On Friday, September 23, the Regis community returned to Bear Mountain for the first time in three years. At 8:30 a.m., students and faculty loaded up onto buses and began the hour-long drive north, towards a beautiful reprieve from the academic rigor of the typical school day.

Allowed to roam free, students enjoyed a variety of recreational activities in the cool, fall air, including basketball, Spikeball, and a hike up to the top of Bear Mountain. Nate Croce '23, Jack Stappenbeck '23, and Chris Kim '24 also helped to organize an inaugural two-hand touch football tournament for Catalyst, Regis' Christian Service club. Funds raised were donated to St. Aloysius Gonzaga, a Jesuit high school in Kibera, the largest slum in Nairobi, Kenya, serving children who have lost one or both of their parents to HIV/AIDS.

“The first ever Kibera Football Tournament was a huge success. Thirty-one teams competed and helped raise $1,550,” says Stappenbeck. “I feel the competition embodies Regians' spirit of generosity, as well as their fierce competitiveness. Hopefully, the tournament becomes an annual tradition of Bear Mountain Day, and the Kibera Committee can replicate this success for years to come.”

Rounding out the day, the annual Senior vs. Faculty Softball game drew large crowds and cheers for either side. Phenomenal pitching and defensive performances from the faculty left the team up 8-3 going into the 8th inning, but with the substitution of several Varsity Baseball players in the last two innings, the seniors scored 7 unanswered runs, winning this matchup for the first time in over 7 years.

The whole school relished in the return to normalcy that Bear Mountain Day offered, and we can't wait to be back next year!

Posted: 9/27/22
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