Mrs. Mary Henninger P'93'98 Honored with Ignatian Educator Award

During the Spring Convocation on May 11, the school assembled to celebrate this year’s bestowal of the Patricia Hannon Ignatian Educator Award to Mrs. Mary Henninger P'93'98 in recognition of her tireless commitment to Regians’ education throughout her 24 years of service to the school.

The honor bears the name of the late Patricia Hannon, whose 23 years of chemistry teaching at Regis exemplified an earnest and sincere commitment to pedagogy within the Ignatian model of academic instruction. Every year, the school gathers to present the Ignatian Educator award in her memory, celebrating a member of the faculty whose dedication to pedagogical excellence has earned the recognition of his or her faculty peers. It is the highest faculty honor Regis awards. 

Currently, Mrs. Henninger serves as an Admissions Officer, assisting in the year-long effort that constitutes Regis’ distinctively competitive and thorough admissions cycle. But her tenure at Regis has spanned an impressively diverse array of roles since her arrival in 1998. Outside of admissions, Mrs. Henninger has been an academic advisor, served in the Principal's and Dean of Students’ offices, respectively, and has moderated various student organizations, including the Diversity Club and Young Democrats and Republicans. The Ignatian Educator Award recognizes Mrs. Henninger’s devotion to students’ intellectual and spiritual development, even from outside of a formal instructional setting. 

During his presentation of the award, Fr. Anthony Andreassi noted that Mrs Henninger, “consistently offers carefully considered opinions and thoughtful insights while always respecting the experience and thoughts of others. In working with young people on issues of diversity and inclusion, [Mrs. Henninger] mentors Regis students with care and concern which demonstrates her deep compassion.”

Speaking of the recent honor, Mrs. Henninger said, “With my heartfelt thanks for the Hannon Award, I am humbled and feel greatly blessed by the generosity of my colleagues who share their gifts with each other and with our students. It is rare company to be in, and the gift of an award from this group of Regis Ignatian educators is a rare gift indeed.”

Mrs. Henninger joins a group of Regis’ most esteemed educators, each of whose reception of the award is commemorated on a plaque mounted in the 84th Street Foyer. 

Posted: 6/30/22
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