Baccalaureate Mass Commemorates Class of 2022

On Thursday, June 2, Regis seniors and their families gathered at the Church of St. Ignatius Loyola for the 2022 Baccalaureate Mass. The final time the group of students will come together as a community in prayer before graduation, the Mass invited the soon-to-be alumni of Regis High School to reflect on their growth over the past four years and prepare themselves for their journeys beyond 84th St.

Principal Fr. Anthony D. Andreassi, CO, served as the main celebrant of the day's Mass, and was joined on the altar by Fr. Arthur C. Bender, SJ, '67 and Fr. James P. Ferus, SJ.

“Put on, men of the Class of 2022, heartfelt compassion, humility, gentleness, and patience," Fr. Andreassi said. “As you work for justice in the spreading of the kingdom of God, these will be indispensable tools as you negotiate a world that often does not want to hear Christ’s word of peace and his call for justice for all. And through all of it, 'be thankful,' as St Paul once said and which St Ignatius continually reminds us too. Remember all is gift: your very lives, your families, your Regis education. None of this was merited. But all of it was and is freely and lovingly given by others. Now after having seen this with your eyes, go and do the same. Give of yourselves. As you set the world on fire, remain faithful to your families, your Catholic faith, your Jesuit education, and your Regis education and formation."

As a token commemorating their high school careers, seniors were invited to step forward and receive a St. John Francis Regis medal, distributed by students' faculty advisors.

Please see below for photos from the evening's Mass. The Class of 2022 will graduate from Regis on Saturday, June 4 at St. Ignatius Loyola at 11:00 a.m. ET. The ceremony will be broadcast live for all to view at

Posted: 6/3/22
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