Regis Community Celebrates Ash Wednesday

On Wednesday, March 2, the Regis community gathered to mark the beginning of Lent with an Ash Wednesday Mass. Students, faculty, and staff joined in the Regis Auditorium to honor the first day of the Lenten season, coming together to prepare for Christ’s Resurrection. 

Fr. Arthur C. Bender, SJ ’67 served as the Mass’ main celebrant, and was joined at the altar by Fr. Anthony D. Andreassi, CO and Fr. James P. Ferus, SJ. Several students also took part in the service, participating in the Mass as readers, altar servers, Eucharistic ministers, choir members, and administers of ashes. 

“Take a few moments every now and then to reverence God, to thank him for the gift of our lives, for family and friends, and all the many other ways we have been blessed," remarked Fr. Bender during his homily.  “Fasting. Prayer. Almsgiving. We will all find out how much better off we are for doing them."

Posted: 3/2/22
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