Catalyst Recognized For Service Work in Haiti

On Friday, November 5, Catalyst, Regis’ Christian Service club, was honored at the 10th Annual From Here to Haiti Dinner Gala. Held in Flushing Meadow Park, New York, the charity event recognized these students and other leaders for their work to support the island nation through years of natural disasters. 

Established 11 years ago after an earthquake devastated the region, From Here to Haiti is a non-profit organization committed to renovating churches, schools, and other spaces that have undergone extensive damages. The group works on the ground with affected communities, employing local workers and purchasing materials from Haitian merchants so as to not only provide immediate repairs in the country, but also empower residents and provide them the resources necessary to overcome these tragedies. Since 2010, From Here to Haiti has been able to lead and complete over 50 projects across the island. 

“I am humbled and honored to be recognized for our work with Haiti,” said Peter Zuccarello ’23, Catalyst From Here to Haiti chairman. “I am fortunate to have been involved with From Here to Haiti since I was in grammar school and have seen our simple efforts make huge differences in the lives of others. We take having running water or a roof over our heads at our churches and schools for granted here in America but over there, these basic necessities are hard to come by. It makes me appreciate our blessings and I am happy that we can help them.”

Catalyst was presented an award for the work done during its 3 years volunteering with From Here to Haiti. Regians have volunteered their efforts towards rebuilding a church, helping also to sponsor a church bell for a Haitian parish. 

“It has been a true honor and blessing to witness the life transforming work of the From Here to Haiti program,” said Director of Guidance and Catalyst moderator Ms. Christine Badi. “The organization is founded on love for the most vulnerable and puts into action our preferential treatment for the poor. I have had the great honor of working with Joe Zuccarello ’21 and Peter Zuccarello ’23, who were first introduced to the project in elementary school at St. Luke's.  Moved at a young age by the struggles the Hatian people experience in everyday life propelled these young men into action. It has been invigorating to see that their passion for this service has carried on throughout their Regis experience. Our success in this project has been thanks to their dedicated leadership.”

Posted: 11/16/21
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