Language Teacher Arianna Huergo Wins University of Chicago Educator Award

Earlier this month, Regis Language teacher Ms. Arianna Huergo was recognized by the University of Chicago with their annual Outstanding Educator Award. Established over three decades ago, the award is given out to educators across the country who exemplify excellence in teaching, love of learning, and a care for students inside and outside the classroom.

“I felt very humbled by this recognition, and I still cannot believe it,” said Huergo. “Sometimes we don’t realize the big impact that we have on our students. We have the tools to change a person’s life, and that is why our profession is so important.”

Each year, the incoming class at the University of Chicago is asked to nominate for this award educators they believe have been impactful in their intellectual and personal growth. Huergo was nominated by recent graduate Xavier Rousseau ’21, whom she taught for Chinese II, III, and IV.

“Arianna is an outstanding teacher," shared Chair of the Language Department Mr. David Bonagura '99. “Her classes are engaging and thorough. She constantly employs creative methods so her students can develop their language skills. And she regularly takes time to meet with students one-on-one to help them progress. Regis is blessed to have her as both a Chinese and Spanish teacher.”

Huergo, who also teaches Spanish I and serves as a Junior advisor, received a formal letter of recognition last week announcing her receipt of the prestigious award. Additionally, Huergo was awarded several gifts, including a certificate, award plaque, UChicago shirt, and Staples gift card.

“I feel honored and definitely very happy,” remarked Huergo on receiving the award. “It made me really see the big influence that we have in our students, how we can change their future. Teaching is a very rewarding career. Seeing your students succeed is seeing your own success.”

Posted: 9/24/21
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