German Club Creates Virtual Experience For 26th Annual Oktoberfest

The Freshman German students got together to sing “Der Auslanderlied," a song that reminds them of what to say if they were stuck in Germany and couldn't communicate. 

Guten Tag and Wilkommen to the 26th Annual Oktoberfest!

While the festivities looked quite different this year, Dr. Eelka Lampe and her German students upheld the longstanding tradition of Oktoberfest through a live streamed webinar for the Regis community on Wednesday, October 28.

“I am really grateful how it all turned out!," said German teacher Dr. Eelka Lampe. “We started brainstorming with the German Club in the spring about whether we should postpone our Oktoberfest Cabaret if the live event could not happen,  but when September came, the students were unanimous: ‘The show must go on!'"

Unlike the weeks-long folk festival that is the traditional Oktoberfest, Regis’ spin on the Bavarian celebration included a cabaret show, with this year included original virtual performances — in English and German — from each class year of German students. Produced largely by the students, this year’s unique event brought both humor and hope to the strange new times we all find ourselves living in.

“All script writing was done collectively via Google Drive, we did the casting collectively in the Club meetings and in class, the students did the filming on their own, and then we had a tech expert emerging from each class to transform the Zoom recordings into much more attractive mini-movies and broadcasts!" said Dr. Lampe on how the virtual event came together. “I am so proud of the students for what they were able to put together and pull off!"

This Oktoberfest was dedicated to Anita Wunsch P’16, who suddenly passed earlier this August. President of the Parents Club while her son was at Regis, Anita was heavily involved in the Oktoberfest food preparation, contributing her Bavarian potato salad recipe that students and faculty continue to enjoy. Before this year’s events, her son Nicholas Wunsch ’16 delivered the opening remarks, sharing his fond memories of Regis and how much Anita had enjoyed being a part of the Regis community.

Dr. Lampe, the German Club, and the entire Regis community are forever grateful to Anita for all that she did for Regis, and we continue to hold her and her family in our thoughts and prayers. Anyone who would like to can recreate Anita’s potato salad recipe by clicking here. You can watch a full recording of the 26th Annual Oktoberfest and see more photos below:

Aidan Metz '22 showed off his German skills in a performance of Franz Schubert's “Der Erlkönig."

Dylan Gunn '21, Evan Deur '21, Nicolas Casey '21, and Matt Baldari '21 hosted a mock Presidential Debate, playing Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Rachel Maddow, and Joe Rogan respectively. 

The memory of Anita Wunsch P'16 (right), this year's Oktoberfest honoree, was shared with the Regis community before the start of the event. 

Posted: 11/3/20
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