History Department Chair Gena Reisig Honored With University of Chicago Educator Award

Last week, Regis History Department Chair Gena Reisig was recognized for her 11 years of service to Regis with the University of Chicago’s Outstanding Educator Award. For more than three decades, the university has used the award to identify and thank educators for the roles they have played in their students’ lives.

In a letter to Reisig, the University of Chicago shared that students accepted into the Class of 2024 were asked to nominate an educator whose guidance had helped them along the path toward intellectual growth. Among thousands of nominees, Reisig had been one of the teachers selected for her contributions both to Regis and her individual students. “I was surprised by this and honored that my student had thought so highly of me that he chose to nominate me for this,” said Reisig.

“Working alongside Ms. Reisig as a colleague for now more than 10 years, I saw firsthand her admirable and exhaustive passion and motivation to support her students,” said Regis Principal Fr. Anthony D. Andreassi, CO. “She embodies who a Regis educator should be; our students, faculty, and staff are so fortunate that she is a part of the Regis community.”

In addition to the award, Reisig received a complimentary UChicago fleece, and she, her family, and members of the Regis administration were invited to a virtual ceremony celebrating this year’s honorees later this October.

“Teachers choose their vocation because they hope to foster a love of learning in their students,” said Reisig. “Working as a teacher is not really the type of career where you compete for promotions or earn bonuses, and as such, I value all the evidence that my efforts have truly impacted the lives of my students.”

Posted: 10/5/20
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