Service Recap: Another Successful Street Corner Gourmet Sweet Potato Bake

For the tenth year running, with the help of over 100 students, faculty, staff, and parents, Regis churned out over 500 pounds of Sweet Potatoes—a new record—for the annual Sweet Potato Bake. The event provides food to be incorporated into hot dinner meals donated to those in need on Thanksgiving. In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, the perennial Thanksgiving Meal on the Street had to be modified, since most of the equipment used to serve the meal is stored in Long Beach, Long Island. With Sr. Mary Lanning (the meal's coordinator at Street Corner Gormet) convinced that "the meal must go on," Regis was asked to prepare 300 pounds of mashed sweet potatoes that she and her team then used to make sweet potato soup. Since this simply wasn't enough of a challenge, Regis students prepared an additional 200 pounds (42 trays) of their traditional "Heavenly Sweets" recipe, which was then donated and delivered to the Belmont Division of the Racetrack Chaplaincy of America.

The charities that benefitted from the Sweet Potato Bake expressed how much they truly appreciate all members of the Regis community who made these meals possible—from the volunteers who prepared the potatoes, to the students and parents who shopped for (or financially supported the purchase of) the ingredients. As has also become a regular project for the eager hands of Regis student volunteers, close to 100 Christmas gifts were carefully wrapped and packaged. The gifts were destined for young men and women who are scholars at Boys Hope Girls Hope NY (a charity started in 1977 by Fr. Paul Sheridan, S.J.).

The Regis family continues to be extremely thankful and proud of those whose efforts assist the Street Corner Gourmet's Thanksgiving Meal. It is truly impressive to look across the Regis cafeteria each year and see so many students, parents, faculty and staff whose hands are busily working, and whose smiles are shining brightly, all in the service of our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Posted: 11/27/12
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