German Students Perform in 25th Annual Oktoberfest

For the 25th consecutive year, Dr. Eelka Lampe and Regis German students hosted their annual Oktoberfest celebration on Wednesday, October 30. The cabaret show featured original performances — in English and German — from each class year of German students. Following the show, all the participants and the significant crowd assembled to watch gathered in the Regis cafeteria for bratwursts and other German delicacies.

“Celebrating the 25th Oktoberfest Cabaret is quite a milestone of collective creativity! It is largely the students’ ideas and writing that creates the show,” Dr. Lampe said. “The event has become a staple and highlight of the German Program but enjoyed by many in the community.”

Dr. Lampe said she heard from many former students who celebrated the 25th anniversary by sharing their fond memories of past performances.

“It was really special to receive a number of emails from alumni even dating back to the mid-90s,” the longtime Regis German teacher said. “Rich Brockmeyer ’97 actually came to see the show and stayed for the feast afterwards. Thanks to the amazing support of the Parents’ Club the Bratwurst Feast has grown exponentially over the years!”

Posted: 12/17/19
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