Alumnus Tapped to Lead REACH

Doug Eickman ’05 this summer became the new Director of the REACH Program. Eickman previously had served as the Dean of Mathematics for REACH and a member of Regis’ Mathematics Department since returning to his alma mater in 2010.

“I’m excited for the opportunity to recruit and work with students and families from underserved communities on a full-time basis!” Eickman said. “REACH is an incredible, transformative opportunity for our young men, and I’m looking forward to the challenge of helping the program live up to its mission even more fully — to better prepare our students for success at Regis and in our Jesuit partner schools, to offer more support to our graduates in high school and college, and to continue to inspire our alumni to live lives of faith, scholarship, and service.”

The REACH Program was founded in 2002 to prepare Catholic, middle-school aged boys from families with significant financial need to earn scholarships to Regis, as well as other top Catholic high schools in New York City.

Posted: 7/27/19
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