Mr. David Bonagura '99 Publishes Steadfast in Faith

Mr. David Bonagura, a member of the Regis Class of 1999 and Latin teacher, has recently published a book titled Steadfast in Faith: Catholicism and the Challenges of Secularism (Cluny Media, January 2019). Written for the benefit of the regular Catholic, this book explores the nature of faith and belief in light of the many challenges that believers regularly experience: How do we know God exists? How is faith compatible with modern science? What is the role of the Church in the life of faith? What if I have difficulties and doubts? How can God be loving if evil and suffering exist in the world?

“The book was a labor of love,” Mr. Bonagura commented. “It took me a few years, but I wanted to help bolster the faith of so many Catholics who, quite understandably, are feeling a bit unsettled in their belief due to the increasing secularization of the world around us. Too often it can seem that we are the only believers in school or in the work place, and that can make us self-conscious, or even make us question our own beliefs. Steadfast in Faith is a modest attempt at explaining why there are many good, rational reasons to believe in God and to be a Catholic. In fact, I argue that the Catholic faith offers the best worldview that there is because it speaks more profoundly to the human mind, heart, and soul than any other worldview.”

Remarking on the book, Most Rev. John Barres, Bishop of Rockville Centre, NY, commented, “Steadfast in Faith combines a commitment to the splendor of Catholic biblical and doctrinal Truth with an understanding of the union of Faith and Reason expressed in the New Apologetics, and a Catholic heart grounded in the daily experience of being a husband and a father, as well a classicist, philosopher, theologian and teacher committed to non-stop Catholic evangelization.”

The book can be purchased on or from the publisher, Cluny Media.

Mr. Bonagura recently discussed the book on "Conversations with Cardinal Dolan." You can watch that interview below:

The cover of Steadfast in the Faith: Catholicism and the Challenges of Secularism

Mr. David Bonagura teaches Latin at Regis.

Posted: 2/5/19
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