Regis Welcomes the Class of 2022

On the evening of September 4, the 140 new members of the Class of 2022 and their families gathered for Freshman Family Welcome Night. The students arrived in the late afternoon to receive pointers about their upcoming days at Regis. Once they separated into their advisement groups,  their Junior Advisors—or Jaspers—spoke with the students and welcomed them to Regis.

Afterwards, Assistant Principal for Student Life and Formation, Christian Mariano '99, invited the students to consider the importance of a Jesuit education. "The first day of orientation gave our freshmen the opportunity to reflect with gratitude on their journey to Regis to this point," he said. "Our hope is that the evening concluded with a better understanding of how Regis can support our students as they continue to form their better selves in the next four years and beyond."

At the conclusion of a lively Q&A session, the newest members of the Regis family were joined by their parents in the quadrangle and cafeteria for a barbecue. While chowing down on hamburgers and hot dogs, the students were able to speak with new classmates and begin to adjust to their surroundings. Faculty members were also present to provide a warm welcome.

Rev. Anthony D. Andreassi, CO, Interim Principal, noted the importance of this kind of event. "We have this night so that the families and their sons can begin to feel welcome in the Regis community from the start," he said. "We're excited to have a new class of Regians with us. It's shaping up to be a great year!"

Jaspers from the Class of 2020 were on hand to help welcome the new freshmen.

Christian Mariano '99, Assistant Principal for Student Life and Formation, speaks to members of the class of 2022.

Rev. Mark J. Lane, CO, Director of Campus Ministry, addresses the incoming freshmen in the Regis Chapel.

Members of the Class of 2022 and their families gather in the Quad.

Posted: 9/5/18
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