Regians Roam The Eternal City

Above: Regis students stand on the Capitoline Hill in Rome with the ancient Roman Forum behind them.

On Tuesday morning, April 3, a tired yet excited group of 20 Latin students landed in the city that they have heard so much about over their years of study: Rome. In a whirlwind four day tour, the students got to see all the elements that make Rome the Eternal City: ancient buildings and artifacts, Gothic and Baroque churches, famous museums, all tucked around busy streets, racing cars, and outstanding food.

The goal of “the Regis in Rome" trip was to allow students a firsthand encounter with the people and sites they have experienced in the classroom. This “Living Latin" event, taken under the auspicies of the Paideia Institute for the Humanities as well as Latin teachers Mr. Bonagura and Mr. Otlowski, brought the Regians right to the source of the Latin language across its 2,000 year history. They read Cicero in the Roman Forum, Seneca in the Colosseum, the Spiritual Exercises in front of the tomb of St. Ignatius of Loyola, and the Gospels inside of the Basilica of St. Peter.

The students also took tours of the Vatican, Capitoline, and Borghese Museums, allowing them to see in person some of the famous works of art and scuplture that they have previously seen in textbooks and in their classrooms.

“I loved everything about this trip," commented Nick Dulock '18. “It was a real thrill to see Rome at long last, and to put the Latin we studied into a real, living context. Nick Carinci '19 agreed, “I loved reading Latin in its native place. Only in Rome can you find a Latin sight passage while waiting for a traffic light to change."

Mr. Bonagura summed up the goal of the trip and the sentiments of the students. “Latin is not dead. It is immortal."

Above: Regians read Cicero's oration against Varres in the Roman Forum

Reading a letter from St. Francis Xavier to St. Ignatius in front of the former's tomb.

Left: Regians in front of the tomb of St. Francis Xavier. Right: Regis in front of the Church of the Gesu.

Posted: 5/16/18
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