Dr. Tricamo to Retire after 47 Years of Service to Regis

Dr. John Tricamo, a 47-year veteran of the Regis faculty, has announced that he will retire at the end of the 2017-2018 academic year.

Dr. Tricamo first arrived at Regis in the fall of 1966, teaching English, Latin, and Physiology. After a brief stint teaching English at the Loyola School and then English at Fordham Preparatory, he returned to Regis in the fall of 1972 in the role of Assistant Headmaster for Administration. He transitioned to his role as a full-time English teacher in the fall of 1981, where he has served multiple terms as Department Chair. In total, Dr. Tricamo has served Regis as a teacher, administrator, colleague, and friend for 47 Years.

Dr. Tricamo holds his BA and MA in English Literature from Fordham University and his PhD in English and American Letters from NYU. He has been a long-serving freshman academic advisor and a valuable member of the Academic Committee. For almost four decades, he has taught Speech to all freshmen, in addition to sections of sophomore English and a variety of senior electives. His leadership has been critical to the outstanding reputation of the Regis English Department.

“Dr. Tricamo is a legend at Regis," said Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ, President.

“He’s our longest serving faculty member now, having first taught here over 50 years ago. He has taught every student in the building since he began teaching freshman speech. He is a favorite because of his keen mind, his gentle manner, and his total dedication to our students. I am grateful for having had the opportunity to work with him even briefly."

Along with all Regians, Regis High School salutes the gifts and talents Dr. Tricamo has shared with multiple generations of students, and we thank him for his long-standing dedication to Regis.

Posted: 2/28/18
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