Legacy by the Numbers: Benefits and Options with Gift Planning

latin_class When reviewing an estate plan, or considering their current giving over an extended timeline, alumni and friends often ask: how can I make a gift that has a significant impact on the future of Regis? There is no simple answer to this question. What constitutes a meaningful gift must be seen in the context of an individual’s capability. But there are some numbers worth keeping in mind.

  • $25,000: This is the cost of educating a boy at Regis for one year. This is a very economical amount in the context of the NYC private school market, and in comparison with the cost of a year at a NYC public school.
  • $100,000: Without employing a calculator, it’s easy to see that this is the cost of providing a four year scholarship for one boy at Regis.
  • $300,000: Regis covers its annual costs of $13 million from the sum of Annual Fund gifts plus withdrawals from the school’s endowment. The endowment income provided by a gift of $300,000, combined with a pro rata share of Annual Giving income, will fund a scholarship for one boy at Regis in perpetuity.
  • $500,000: A capital gift of this size will fully endow a perpetual scholarship, with no allocation from the Annual Fund required.
Gifts can be made at any of these thresholds in a number of ways.

A donor wishing to create a one-year ($25,000) or four-year ($100,000) scholarship might focus on reaching the targeted amount through Annual Fund gifts accumulating over a period of one, three or five years.

A donor aiming to fully (at $500,000) or partially (at $300,000) endow a scholarship can schedule a series of annual capital gifts; or make a provision for a bequest to Regis in an estate plan; or arrange a “blended” gift that combines a series of current gifts with an estate bequest.

The Office of Development can help outline a range of giving options, and work with a donor to tailor a program that best matches his or her individual circumstances. Just call us at (212) 288-1142.

Thank you for all you do for Regis!

Posted: 3/15/17
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