Spiritual Offerings at Regis This Lenten Season


Above: During the lunch period on Tuesday, February 28, Fr. Mark Lane, CO, Director of Campus Ministry, led a prayer in the Regis Quadrangle followed by the burning of palm leaves. The ashes made from these burned palms were then used during the distribution of ashes at the Regis Ash Wednesday Mass.

This Lenten season, Campus Ministry has a number of spiritual offerings for Regians. In addition to the usual Mass schedule (Mondays at 12:15 p.m., Tuesdays at 11:35 a.m., and Wednesdays at 8:10 a.m.), students will have the opportunity to receive penance on Tuesday mornings and guided spiritual reflection on Thursday mornings.

Additionally, there will be a Lenten display in the 84th Street foyer where a different advisement group will convene for prayer each morning. As part of of this Lenten season, the morning prayers will be written by advisement groups, allowing students to write the prayer heard by the entire school each morning.

The board in the Campus Ministry office will also be a place where students and staff will share what they are giving up or taking on for Lent. On Mardi Gras, Campus Ministry also provided some last-minute treats and indulgences to Regians.

Campus Ministry thanks you for your continued support throughout this Lenten season.


Above: The chalkboard in the Campus Ministry office, where students have shared what they are giving up, or taking on, for Lent.

Posted: 3/1/17
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