Rev. Philip G. Judge, SJ ’80 Receives 2016 Deo et Patriae Award


Above: Peter Labbat '83, Anthony Domino, Jr. '80, Rev. Philip G. Judge, SJ '80, Anthony DiNovi, Jr. '80, and Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ


On October 27, Rev. Philip G. Judge, SJ '80, former President of Regis, was presented with the 2016 Deo et Patriae Award. The award is presented annually to a person who has served Regis and their community in a distinguished capacity during the course of his or her life. The presentation took place at the Deo et Patriae reception, an annual celebration honoring Annual Fund donors at the Order of the Owl giving levels.

Peter Labbat '83, chair of the Regis Board of Trustees, addressed event guests at the start of the night’s program. "What are the characteristics that define leadership? ... We find the answer to this question in Fr. Judge's example: in a life spent in service to others, punctuated by humble leadership—leadership that’s marked by strong conviction, remarkable optimism and faith in what can be, and a generous heart, which he brought to bear every single day when he was President of Regis."

"I know I received an incredible gift as a student," said Fr. Judge in his remarks after receiving the Deo et Patriae award. "And I counted many more blessings that I received in my time both in the classroom and in the President’s Office. It's always been a labor of love, and I've always received much more than I’ve given. For that I am eternally grateful."

Posted: 12/21/16
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