Sophomore Earns Award at Art Expo

justin01On May 18, Justin James '18 received an Honorable Mention Award in the Still Life Category at The La Salle Academy Art Expo. The art exposition gathers art students from public and private schools from all boroughs including Westchester county.

The high school level of this exhibition was judged by esteemed local curators including David Bowles (Rubin Museum), Shanta Lawson (The Metropolitan Museum of Art) and Michael Schleuter (Fashion Institute of Technology).

(Pictured: Justin James '18 with his painting and Honorable Mention award at The La Salle Academy Art Expo.)

"I love how the art program at Regis provides an outlet for Regians to explore their artistic and creative side in an otherwise academically demanding environment," said James. "I have a passion for pop art because of my ability to work with realism and expressionism."

Robyn Prezioso, co-chair of the Regis Fine Arts department, notes that James "is not just a well rounded student, he is very open to growth both academically and creatively."

"It is so important for Regians to enter their artwork in these competitions where they get to observe and experience the wide range of artistic talent of their peers," said Prezioso. "The art program at Regis strives to challenge our students creatively both within the arts and across all academic departments."

This is the second year where a Regis student placed in this city wide art exhibition.

Posted: 5/31/16
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