Development News:
A Historic Milestone— $6 million in '16!

2016AFgraphAnnual giving is Regis’s lifeblood. Each year gifts from over 4,000 alumni, parents and friends cover 45% of the school’s operating costs, which this year is just over $13 million.

For 2016, as we celebrate Generous Lives, we have the opportunity to cross a historic milestone: reaching over $6 million in annual giving for the first time!

The results for the first six months of the current Annual Fund year—July 2015 through December 2015—were very positive, as giving increased at a double digit percentage over the same period in 2014. To make our goal by June 30—just six months away—we need to see that level of support maintained by donors of all sizes.

Please help us achieve what will be another remarkable goal and expression of commitment from the Regis family: $6 million in ’16!

Or as the immortal Joe Quintavalle ’30 might say: Sescentiens Centena Milia anno MMXVI!

Thank you for all you do for Regis.

Posted: 2/9/16
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