School Spirit on Display at Family Communion Breakfast

communion-breakfast-01The annual Family Communion Breakfast took place at Regis High School on Sunday, September 27 with over 280 parents and students in attendance.

The event began in the morning with a liturgy celebrated in the Regis chapel by Rev. James Croghan, S.J., Regis High School President, followed by a hot breakfast buffet in the Regis auditorium.

During breakfast, Fr. Mario Powell, S.J., Director of the REACH Program, served as guest speaker at the event. Fr. Powell shared his thoughts and hopes for the mission and vision of Regis High School, along with an overview of the REACH Program.

Once again, the breakfast was a wonderful opportunity for parents to join together and build a sense of community as they celebrated and welcomed the beginning of another school year. The event was especially helpful to Freshman parents, as it afforded them the opportunity to build relationships, make new friends, and share their gratitude for the blessings of Regis High School and one another.

The event was chaired by the Regis Parents Club President, Tracy Dodd, P'17 and Sharon Acero, P'18. The annual Family Communion Liturgy & Breakfast is just one of many events hosted by the Regis Parents Club as a way to give back to Regis and build a sense of school community.

Posted: 11/1/15
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