Happy St. John Francis Regis Feast Day

Below please find a letter being shared with alumni, family, and friends of Regis High School.
Regis High School
The Office of the President
  Saint John Francis Regis  
2 July 2015
  To the Regis Community,

Happy feast day of our patron St. John Francis Regis!

Alumni of a certain age will remember graduating on June 16, on what was up until the revision of the Church's calendar the day set aside to remember the life and work of St. John Francis Regis. After that revision and with subsequent changes in the Jesuit liturgical calendar we are settled on July 2.

Regis was born on January 31, 1597 at Font-Couverte, Narbonne, Languedoc, France and died December 31, 1640 of pneumonia while preaching a mission at La Louvesc, Dauphine, France. Beatified by Pope Clement XI on May 24, 1716, he was canonized on June 16, 1737 by Pope Clement XII. Regis was known for his passionate love for God, intense devotion to the poor and marginalized, preaching which drew crowds in the thousands, endless hours hearing confessions, and a life of deep prayer. Many considered him a saint in his lifetime and several miracles are attributed to him. A contemporary testified that "His whole behavior breathed sanctity. Men could neither see nor hear him without being inflamed with the love of God. He celebrated the divine mysteries with such devotion that he seemed like an angel at the altar. I have observed him in familiar intercourse become silent and recollected, and all on fire: then speaking of God with a fervor and rapidity that proved his heart to be carried away with an impulse from heaven." As we celebrate this day I pray that all of us may be "inflamed with the love of God" as those who saw and heard John Francis Regis were.

I also ask for your prayers as I begin my tenure as interim president. Following Fr. Judge is no easy task. We will long be grateful for his ten years of exemplary leadership at Regis which closed our first hundred years and launched us into our second century with grace, good humor and confidence. There will always be challenges, but under the banner of our patron and with your support Regis will continue to thrive.

Please know that you are especially remembered as we celebrate Mass today in the school chapel praying through the intercession of St. John Francis Regis. We pray with profound gratitude for the extraordinary generosity which began Regis and for the equally extraordinary generosity which allows it to continue. May God bless you and Regis High School.
Philip G. Judge, S.J. '80
Rev. James Croghan, S.J.

Posted: 7/2/15
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