Family and Friends Salute the Class of 2015



Regis High School welcomed its ninety-eighth graduating class on Saturday, June 6 in front of a cheerful crowd of family and friends in the Church of Saint Ignatius Loyola. 128 young men received their diplomas and became the first class to graduate at the start of Regis's second century.

In his address to the graduating seniors, Mr. Peter Labbat '83, Chair of the Regis Board of Trustees, asked the graduates to focus not on what they have already accomplished, but on what they will accomplish after today.

"Even though you have achieved so many milestones to get to this moment, what your families really celebrate in this Church—right now—is your next chapter. Today marks the commencement for each of you of a beautiful life’s journey."

graduation_05Labbat continued by detailing two aspirations for the graduates: to be men who radiate hope, and to be a "fire-breathing" Regian.

“With vigor and passion, set the world on fire. Blaze a trail that rejects a focus on self and embraces generosity and service to others.”

Jason Adulley '15 was chosen by his fellow graduates as the senior class speaker. In his remarks, Adulley described how four years of striving to become the "ideal" Regian led to numerous moments of feeling insufficient. But it was in those moments, said Adulley, that he and his classmates took on the challenge of the Regis experience in their own, unique ways.

(Pictured: Jason Adulley '15 addressing the Regis graduating class of 2015)

Click here to read Adulley's speech in its entirety.

"We strive for that ideal image, but each of us fell short in our own way, so our success comes from the personalization of our experiences and in acknowledging our imperfections."

"When we move on from 55 East 84th Street," continued Adulley, "know that our greatest success is in understanding that our missteps were as big a part—or at times an even bigger part—of our success."

A selection of photographs from this year's graduation ceremony is provided below.














Posted: 6/6/15
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