Messrs. Murphy, Phillips To Retire After 58 Years of Combined Service


Above: Mr. John Murphy (left) and Mr. Jim Phillips (right) are both set to retire at the end of the 2014-2015 academic year.


Mr. John Murphy, long-time member of the History Department faculty, and Mr. Jim Phillips, long-time teacher and musical director at Regis, have announced plans to retire at the end of the 2014-2015 academic year.

Murphy_Phillips_YoungMr. Murphy began teaching at Regis in the fall of 1988. While he has been a member of the History Department for his entire tenure, Mr. Murphy also taught Freshman English and Writing early in his career. He also served as a moderator of The Regian.

(Pictured: Mr. Murphy's photo from the 1989 yearbook and Mr. Phillips' photo from the 1985 yearbook.)

Mr. Phillips began his career at Regis in the fall of 1984. His tenure has included numerous years as the chair of the Fine Arts Department, and he has taught a number of courses within that area of study, from Music Appreciation & Theory to Computer Studies. Most notably, Mr. Phillips has served as Musical Director and has been involved in decades of Regis Repertory musicals and band performances.

Along with all Regians, we recognize the gifts and talents both Mr. Murphy and Mr. Phillips have generously shared with multiple generations of students and we thank them for their long-standing dedication to Regis.

Posted: 4/21/15
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