A Recap of John O'Keefe '57's Nobel Prize Lecture and Award Ceremony



On December 10, 2014 John O'Keefe '57 received his Nobel Prize from His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden at an award ceremony held in the Stockholm Concert Hall. The prize was awarded to O'Keefe along with Norwegian scientists May-Britt Moser and Edvard Moser for their joint efforts to identify the "inner GPS" that helps the brain navigate through the world. (Read more: John O'Keefe '57 Awarded Nobel Prize in Medicine | October 7, 2014). The findings in their research have changed how we understand how cells work together to perform cognitive functions. Among other things, this research could lead scientists to a better understanding of diseases like Alzheimer's.

Pictured above: 2014 Medicine Laureate John O'Keefe ’57 receiving his Nobel Prize from His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden at the Stockholm Concert Hall. Photo: Alexander Mahmoud/Nobel Media AB

O'Keefe '57 delivered his Nobel Lecture on December 7 at Aula Medica, Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm. Below is a video of that speech, along with video of O'Keefe's speech at the Nobel Banquet in the Stockholm Concert Hall on December 10, a video of O'Keefe receiving his Nobel Prize from His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden at the Stockholm Concert Hall on December 10, and a December 6 interview where he explains his research work that the award recognizes.


Watch: John O´Keefe, 2014 Medicine Laureate, explain his Nobel Prize awarded work in easy-to-understand terms.



Watch: John O'Keefe delivered his Nobel Lecture on 7 December 2014 at Aula Medica, Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm. He was introduced by Professor Hans Forssberg, Adjunct Member of the Nobel Committee.




Watch: 2014 Nobel Laureate John O'Keefe receives his Nobel Prize medal and diploma during the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony at the Concert Hall in Stockholm, Sweden, on 10 December 2014.




Watch: John O'Keefe's speech at the Nobel Banquet in the Stockholm City Hall, 10 December 2014.


Posted: 1/23/15
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