Patricia Hannon Ignatian Educator Award Presented to Ms. Carol Remsen

remsen_groupAt the Mass of the Holy Spirit on September 5th, faculty, staff, parents, and students paused to celebrate faculty achievement with the annual presentation of the Patricia Hannon Ignatian Educator Award. This year's award was presented to Ms. Carol Remsen, long-serving member of the Mathematics Department.

Pictured: Rev. Philip G. Judge, S.J. '80 (President), Rev. Ian Gibbons, S.J. (Assistant Principal), Ms. Carol Remsen, and Dr. Gary Tocchet (Principal)

Named in honor of the late Mrs. Patricia Hannon—who not only shared her knowledge and passion for chemistry with countless students over her 23-year career, but also touched just as many hearts in the process—the Ignatian Educator Award recognizes a faculty member whose dedication to his or her students fosters a learning environment that is the model of Ignatian pedagogy.

Ms. Remsen has taught at Regis for the past 14 years. She arrived at Regis in the 2000-2001 academic year with 12 years of teaching experience. She holds a bachelor's degree in Mathematics from Fairfield University, an M.A. in Administration and Supervision with a certification as a Teacher of Mathematics from St. Peter's College, and an M.A. in Religion and Religious Education with a concentration in Spirituality and Spiritual Direction from Fordham University.

Ms. Remsen has certainly made her mark as an innovative teacher at Regis, leading the Mathematics Department through a number of transformations and curriculum changes over the years. In her 14 years at Regis, she has taught every math course that Regis currently offers. She has served as the chair of the Mathematics Department, and is an academic advisor, a member of the Regis Academic Committee, Campus Ministry, and the Religious Formation Committee. She has also served on the Regis Admissions Committee, as a retreat leader, and has taught math in the Regis REACH Program.

In nominating Ms. Remsen, a colleague noted that she is a person of quiet courage and tenacious resolve when it comes to doing what is good and right. Another commented that she has sat with struggling students repeatedly until they have overcome their difficulties and, in the same way, has sat with colleagues who have faced challenges in their lives.

A student commented that he has "never witnessed a teacher who has been as enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and unbelievably generous with their time, and truly defines what a Regis faculty member should embody." Ms. Remsen exemplifies the spirit of Saint Ignatius with excellence in her teaching, generosity, and spirituality.

A plaque honoring all winners of the Patricia Hannon Ignatian Educator Award is mounted in the 84th Street Foyer.



Above: The Regis community gathered in the Church of Saint Ignatius Loyola on September 5th for the annual Mass of the Holy Spirit.

Posted: 9/8/14
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