Regis Congratulates Rob Manfred P'05 on His Appointment as Next MLB Commissioner

Manfred_01Four months ago, Robert D. Manfred, Jr. P'05 spent a warm, spring morning guest lecturing to a class of Regis seniors. Today, Regis High School joins the greater sports community in congratulating him on his appointment as the next Commissioner of Major League Baseball. Manfred’s tenure as MLB Commissioner, which is described as one of the most powerful positions in sports, is anticipated to begin in January 2015 when Bud Selig, baseball’s current commissioner, is expected to retire.

(Pictured: Robert Manfred P'05, commissioner-elect of MLB, addressing a classroom of Regis students during a senior elective this past spring)

Since 2013, Manfred has served as Chief Operating Officer for Major League Baseball, reporting directly to the Commissioner and overseeing all traditional functions of the Commissioner's Office, including labor relations, baseball operations, finance, administration and club governance.

Despite the demands of the positions he has held within the MLB Organization, Manfred has remained a very active member of the Regis family. This past April, Manfred spoke to a class of Regis students enrolled in the Senior Elective titled Legal Aspects of Sports. His talk with Regians focused on the legal matters that take place beyond the field of play and influence the sports with which they are associated. From player contracts, to collective bargaining, to drug testing, Manfred touched on a variety of issues that effect owners, players, and fans of professional baseball.

"As a big baseball fan, it was a unique perspective to hear from someone as influential as Mr. Manfred and from someone on the inside who has seen ideas develop from conception to implementation," said Anthony Griffin '14, a senior who participated in the elective class.

The third trimester elective was taught by Regis's Alumni Director, Vincent Catapano '96. "To hear from someone who has done such extensive work with Major League Baseballand who touched almost every major issue the sport has dealt with in the last 15 yearsgave students a unique opportunity to hear an inside perspective on the issues," said Catapano.

Manfred’s visit as a guest lecturer in the classroom wasn’t the first time he has volunteered his time at Regis. In the Spring of 2012, Manfred served on an esteemed panel of baseball experts at the 2012 Regis Hot Stove. At the event, Manfred answered a wide variety of baseball questions, ranging from the 1994 baseball strike to the future of baseball in the era of steroids.

For years, Manfred has also been a perennial donor to the annual Regis Parents’ Auction. His recent contributions include tickets to the MLB Home Run Derby and All Star Game.

“Regis is honored to have Manfred as part of its family,” added Catapano. “His appointment is quite an honor for him, but given his experience and dedication to the sport, it is certainly well deserved.”



Above: Rob Manfred P'05 fields questions from Regis students (and a few German exchange students) during his visit as a guest lecturer for the senior elective titled Legal Aspects of Sports.

Posted: 8/14/14
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