Regis Holds 107th Graduation Exercises

The Class of 2024 gathered today at the Church of St. Ignatius Loyola to receive their diplomas as members of Regis’s 107th graduating class. Clad in their traditional white dinner jackets, the graduating seniors were joined by family, friends, faculty, and staff as they celebrated the formal culmination of their Regis education. 

After an opening invocation from Rev. James Ferus, SJ, Regis Principal Mr. Charlie Heintz introduced Brendon O'Keefe ’24, who was nominated by his peers to address the graduating class.

"It seems to me that when the Class of 2024 is together, there is a certain spirit that is different from any I’ve ever seen," said O'Keefe. "There’s a liveliness that permeates these hallways even during tough academic weeks that you can’t find anywhere else."

Added O'Keefe: "Although we are departing, this loving brotherly spirit will not leave us. This place is home, and the friends that we have met here will always be brothers." O'Keefe's full remarks can be read here.

Prior to the conferral of diplomas to the graduating seniors, Chair of the Board of Trustees Mr. Anthony DiNovi '80 reminded the Class of 2024 of their unique responsibilities as they prepare for life beyond Regis: "Now more than ever, we need talented and principled leadership from young people such as yourselves, equipped not only with the intellectual skills to solve problems — which so many have — but the values to solve them well."

Regis President Rev. Christopher Devron, SJ, and DiNovi then presented each graduate with his diploma. Said Fr. Devron: “As you now go forth as men for others who devote their lives Ad majorem Dei gloriam, do not forget: pay attention, be astonished, and tell about it.”

The ceremony closed with a benediction from history teacher Mr. Andre Anselme, who is celebrating 40 years of service to Regis. "May the Class of 2024 follow well in the footsteps of those who have gone before them and grow to be men of character and conscience, creativity and conviction, courage and compassion," he said.

Congratulations to the Regis High School Class of 2024!

Posted: 6/1/24
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