History Department Hosts Student Historian Project Symposium

Seven Regis sophomores on Wednesday presented their work at the History Department's first Student Historian Project Symposium. The SHP initiative, created last year, sees sophomores conduct research on a subject of their choosing with the help of faculty guidance. After their final presentations, the sophomores have the opportunity to continue their research in their junior history term paper and potentially in senior electives. 

The students met with Ms. Kara Papp, Ms. Kaitlin Landrein, Ms. Gena Reisig, and other members of the History Department regularly as they conducted their research, which is done in addition to the regular curriculum. Regis librarian Ms. Clair Quaintance also assisted students with their research as they used online databases and books within the library itself.

Please see the list below for this year's projects:

John Allegra '26: The Division and Dissolution of Yugoslavia

Jack Canaveral '26: The Medici Family

Fausto Cavaleri '26: Mongol Siege Warfare and Jin Empire

Nathaniel Marks '26: The Best Laid Plans of Myshi i Muzhchiny

Matthew McDonough '26: Nativism in Mid-Nineteenth Century America

Dylan O'Sullivan '26: Religious Discrimination in the Context of the Troubles

Anselm Park '26: Antisemitism in 1920s and 1930s Germany

Posted: 5/23/24
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