Students and Faculty Head Outdoors for Bear Mountain Day

Students and faculty boarded buses Friday for Regis's annual Bear Mountain outing. The beautiful day outdoors offered a pleasant change of scenery from the rigors of the academic calendar, as it has for generations of Regians. Though hiking trails were unavailable due to storm damage from this summer, students took part in a range of recreational activities, including basketball, volleyball, soccer, Spikeball, and ultimate frisbee. 

Students divided into teams for Catalyst's second annual charity two-hand touch football tournament, with proceeds going to St. Aloysius Gonzaga, a Jesuit high school in Kibera, the largest slum in Nairobi, Kenya. The school serves children who have lost one or both of their parents to HIV/AIDS.

The day culminated with the annual senior vs. faculty softball game. With Mr. Charlie Heintz providing music as DJ on his first trip to Bear Mountain since joining Regis as Principal this summer, the seniors "won," 14-7. However, the faculty unilaterally decreed that an asterisk be placed next to the final score in the record book, as the seniors allowed varsity baseball players to participate, violating the game's rules. Tough luck, gentlemen!

Posted: 9/25/23
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