Regis Senior Meets Pope Francis at World Youth Day

On August 4, Paul Asari ’24 met Pope Francis during the World Youth Day celebrations in Lisbon. His Holiness shook Asari’s hand and asked him about the cast on his arm. Unprompted, he took a marker from Asari’s pocket and signed his cast and a Regis World Youth Day T-shirt. He then blessed Asari, as well as a bag of items from Asari’s classmates, including rosaries, bracelets, and prayer cards.

"I am truly blessed to have been given the opportunity to personally speak and be blessed by Pope Francis," says Asari. "I am even more blessed and grateful to my peers and teachers who cheered at the top of their lungs as I made my way out of the building back into the crowd of pilgrims holding their now-blessed items and the beautifully signed Regis World Youth Day T-shirt, which l know Regis will keep dearly."

Twenty-three Regis students, along with three staff members, traveled to Lisbon for World Youth Day 2023. They attended Masses and catechism sessions, visited the Sanctuary of Fátima, and met pilgrims from all over the world. They attended four events at which Pope Francis was present: On August 3, the Holy Father gave a welcome address, before presiding over Stations of the Cross on August 4, leading a vigil on August 5, and celebrating Mass on August 6.

Posted: 9/6/23
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