Regis Honors Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

On Wednesday, January 26, the Regis community participated in a prayer service celebrating the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Students, faculty, and staff reflected on the principles of the late civil rights leader, coming together to continue advocating for justice and a more accepting and loving society.

Wednesday's service was held in the Chapel of the Sacred Heart and livestreamed for students to watch from their advisement locations. Following introductory remarks from Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Ms. Belkise Dallam, Dean Rosamilia '23 and George Cheung '23 led the community through an opening prayer and invitatory respectively. Alexander Cohen '24 and Charles Mango '25 then offered a scriptural reading from Exodus, which was reflected upon by Johnathan Bernadeau '23.

“I doubt many of us here believe that our actions could be as momentous as that of any legendary figure. Regardless, we are called to march that righteous path," said Bernadeau. “Our individual works are not meant to be seen as separate from God's greater plan. No matter how little we are able to see that, we march forward. It does not matter if you feel small. It does not matter if the situation seems unchangeable. We believe that as Catholics, as Regians, no matter what, we march."

After Bernadeau's remarks, Thomas Fuller '25 and Director of Mission and Identity Fr. James P. Ferus, SJ offered petitions, and Cohen and Dominick Facchini '24 led students through a reflection on the words and teachings of Dr. King. College Guidance Counselor Mr. Christopher Febles and Mango concluded the morning's service with closing thoughts and prayers.

“The path of the Noble Heart, the Man or Woman for Others, does indeed lead to a Promised Land, a world with justice for all, where our children and families are cared for, where we are safe and accepted for who we are," said Febles. “It’s a wild, far-off, nearly impossible dream, I know. But hope, and the knowledge that I have my brothers and sisters with me, has kept me going this far. And I’ll do my best to keep moving on that path, no matter the odds. And I ask you to be that supportive, hopeful, caring person we know you can be, the kind of person who can look a friend in the eye in his or her darkest hour and say, 'I am with you.'"

Posted: 1/27/22
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