A Successful Giving Weekend 2021

For the 5th year in a row, the Regis community rallied together to demonstrate their support of our unique mission during Giving Weekend. Alumni, parents, and friends of Regis stood behind the valued work we do at 84th St: educating and developing the next generation of bright, Catholic young men into people of compassion, conscience, and justice.

While we are still tallying the final numbers, over 1,100 individual donors came in this Giving Weekend, raising over $1.1 million and counting over three days. Along with two matching gift opportunities from anonymous donors that we unlocked thanks to your generosity, totaling $600,000, over $1.7 million was raised for the 2021 Annual Fund: For The Greater Glory.

Friendly competition also took place over the weekend, as alumni and current parents faced off in separate competitions for the greatest donor participation. The alumni class with the highest number of donors is rewarded with bragging rights and a complimentary first round at JUG Night this fall, and the results of both competitions are included below.

Our mission could not be sustained without the valued support of people like you, and we are forever grateful to those who’ve helped to keep Regis a pillar of academic and spiritual excellence for current and future generations of bright young men of faith. Thank you again for your belief, support, and dedication to Regis!

Alumni Giving Weekend Participation Winners (By Decade):

In the event of a tie, the winner of the decade is determined by the higher overall Annual Fund 2021 participation.

1940's: 1949

1950's: 1957

1960's: 1966

1970's: 1979

1980's: 1980

1990's: 1996

2000's: 2002

2010's: 2014

Click here to view the entire Alumni Donor Wall, and click here to view the Alumni Giving Weekend Class Leaderboard.

Current Parent Giving Weekend Participation Winner:

Class of 2023

Click here to view the entire Parents, Family, and Friends Donor Wall.

Posted: 6/8/21
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