Alumni Celebrate Virtual Class Reunions

On Saturday, April 24, Regians from twenty-two class years came together virtually to celebrate their class reunions. While continued restrictions on gatherings prevented hosting the events at 84th Street, alumni from the Class of 1955 up to the Class of 2016 met via Zoom to reminisce with former classmates, hear updates on the school, and share in their support of the Regis mission. 

Saturday’s events began with a series of unique, engaging panel discussions for participants to attend according to their interests. Bringing in the expertise and passions of alumni, administrators, teachers, and students, the panels shared insights on Regis, REACH, and the impacts of COVID-19 on both public health and the sports industry, each ending with an opportunity for Q&A with the panelists. Afterwards, alumni were invited to attend the day’s featured presentation, a conversation with Mike Memoli ’00, White House Correspondent for NBC News. Interviewed by Regis Director of Communications Kevin Brennan ’03, Memoli discussed his career in politics and journalism, sharing insights on his time reporting on past and present presidential administrations. More traditional reunion programming began later in the evening, with a community Mass, remarks by Interim President Mr. Christian Talbot ’93, and  a cocktail hour for individual classes. 

“One cannot overstate how challenging the last year has proven due to the pandemic, and yet the challenges of the past year also have produced innumerable examples and immeasurable amounts of inspiration, as provided by hundreds if not thousands of our alumni," said Director of Alumni Relations Jerry Russo '95. “Regis High School therefore was and is grateful and honored to have hosted a full day of engaging, enlightening, and entertaining special and traditional programming, and on behalf of the Board, school, and Regians around the world, we thank and salute all 22 classes that participated and celebrated their milestones over the weekend.”

Please see below for recordings of several of Saturday’s programs. While we regret being able to organize this year’s reunions in-person, we remain grateful to our network of alumni for their continued determination, support, and love for Regis. We look forward to hosting the classes of ’70, ’71, ’95, and ’96 at our historic building for their 25th and 50th reunions in the fall, and are hopeful for bringing our larger alumni community back to Regis as soon as possible. A special thanks to the following alumni and Regis staff for leading our afternoon panel sessions:

A Discussion on Regis Today - Student, Faculty, and Staff Perspectives (Moderated by Director of Major Gifts Ms. Megwin Hoopes P'16'18)

  • Fr. Anthony Andreassi, CO, Principal
  • Christian Mariano ’99, Assistant Principal for Student Life
  • Maura Toomb Estevez, Department Chair, Theology
  • Julian Castaybert '21
  • Sebastian Espinal '23
A Panel on COVID-19 - Assessing the Pandemic’s Impact on Public Health (Moderated by Vice President for Development Mr. James Kennedy '02)
  • Dr. Carl Crawford ’92, Gastroenterologist, Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine, and Fellowship Program Director, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, New York Presbyterian Hospital-Weill Cornell Medicine
  • Dr. Michael Spinelli ’95, Cardiac Electrophysiologist and Associate Director of Cardiac Electrophysiology, New York University Langone Long Island, and Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, New York University Grossman School of Medicine
  • Dr. Christopher Bandera ’06, Pediatrician, Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine, LLP, and Clinical Instructor, Department of Pediatrics, New York University Grossman School of Medicine
  • Dr. Sanjay Salgado ’06, Fellow, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
A Discussion on REACH Today - Student, Faculty, and Staff Perspectives (Moderated by Director of Foundations and Major Gifts Officer Ms. Catherine McCordick P'17'19)
  • Douglas Eickman ’05, Director, REACH
  • Alan Garcia ’08, Assistant Director, REACH
  • Brian Reyes ’17, REACH ’13, Yale University ’21, and American Rhodes Scholar, Class of 2021
A Panel on COVID-19 - Assessing the Pandemic’s Impact on Sports (Moderated by Director of Alumni Relations Mr. Jerry Russo '95)
  • James Denniston ’96, Senior Counsel, New York Mets
  • Pat O’Keefe ’97, Studio Host, New York Knicks on ESPN New York
  • Kevin Esteves ’08, Senior Director of Digital Content Strategy, National Basketball Association

Posted: 5/7/21
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