Regis Community Celebrates Advent and Christmas Liturgy

On Tuesday, December 22, the Regis community gathered virtually for its annual Christmas Liturgy. Fr. Arthur C. Bender, SJ, ’67, the main celebrant, was joined on the altar by Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ, and Fr. A.J. Rizzo, SJ. Seniors Edward Desciak ’21, Matthew Baldari ’21, and Anthony LaBarbara ’21 served as readers for the Mass from their homes, and Ms. Kiera Bader offered petitions.

“Yesterday we reached the winter solstice, and the days will be getting longer and nights shorter," Fr. Bender said in his homily. “Given this situation we find ourselves in with this terrible pandemic, we can hope that the changes taking place in the physical world might be a reflection of the changes that will soon be taking place in our cities, our region, our nation, and in the world."

Posted: 12/22/20
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