Regis Celebrates Start of Academic Year with Virtual Mass of the Holy Spirit

Regis High School marked the start of the 2020-2021 academic year on Friday, September 11 with the Mass of the Holy Spirit.

Though unable to gather together in the Church of St. Ignatius Loyola, the entire Regis community convened virtually via a live Zoom broadcast to celebrate the Mass and the unique start to the new school year. Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ, presided in the Chapel of the Sacred Heart as celebrant, and was joined on the altar by Fr. Anthony D. Andreassi, CO, Fr. Arthur C. Bender, SJ '67, and Fr. AJ Rizzo, SJ.

Several students, faculty, and staff also played roles in the Mass. Gabriel Marrero ’22, Xavier Rousseau ’21, Aran Glynn ’21, and Ms. Teresa Battaglia served as readers for the Mass from their homes, and Mr. Joseph Vandepool and Ms. Lauren D’Ottavio lent their musical talents.

“My friends, as we begin this unusual year, in this unusual way, let us allow ourselves to be surprised by how God approaches us; let us be people of hope as we trust that the Spirit will guide us; let us be patient – with ourselves and with others – as we come to recognize God’s grace happening all around us,” Fr. Lahart said during his homily. “There is no need to desire to fast forward through this year. It will be a year of grace found in unusual, surprising ways. May the Spirit come to our aid as the Spirit intercedes for us each and every day.”

Posted: 9/11/20
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