Cross Country Races to Banner Season

The 2019 Regis Cross Country team had its best showing in years on both the varsity and the junior varsity levels. At the Brewster Bear Classic, both varsity and junior varsity captured first place honors. Two weeks later, the varsity again won the team title, while the junior varsity took third, in the NYC Cross Country Carnival at Van Cortlandt Park. The varsity finished the season by taking fourth place in the CHSAA Varsity Intersectionals, earning a ticket to the State Federation Championship at Bowdoin Park for the second time in three years.

The team was led by senior co-captains James Gallagher ’20, James Molz ’20, and Colin Thoman ’20, with lots of help from juniors Luke Ellwood ’21, Matt Vizzini ’21, Will Schimitsch ’21, and Tom Cassidy ’21.

“The work these guys put in this season was phenomenal. They started training in early June and built up to running over 60 miles per week,” Cross Country Coach Mr. David Bonagura ’99 said. “Their effort has born fruit in team titles and a chance to compete against the best schools at the State Championship in November. Hard work really does pay off.”

Posted: 12/17/19
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