Regis Parents Gather in Celebration & Gratitude

On Tuesday, February 26, over 150 parents from the Classes of 2020 and 2021 came together in the auditorium for a Presidents’ Day Party. With an All-American selection of wines to taste and food to enjoy, these sophomore and junior parents celebrated another year at Regis and received Father Lahart’s thanks for the many different ways in which they support the school. 

One week later on Shrove Tuesday, senior parents attended a Mardi Gras celebration (complete with colored beads, jambalaya and beignets) and reminisced about their four years at Regis.  Cathy McCordick P’14 ’19, in her moving remarks, recalled the many milestones and events, which made the Regis experience so special for the boys and their families. She also spoke eloquently of the lasting impact Regis will have on its graduates. “Our sons will be the 102nd graduating class of Regis. It’s a remarkable testament to the Foundress and her family. Our boys will inherit a unique and wonderful legacy that will bind them together for the rest of their lives. Regis has not just equipped them intellectually for the future. It has forged them into true men for others, always ready and willing to step up and do what is just. They are, and always will be guided by us, the principles of their faith, and the values they learned here at Regis.”

Posted: 4/8/19
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